Manual Bottom Drive


The MBD is a semi-automatic case sealing solution built to seal the top and bottom of uniform cartons.

2" Model
3" Model

Warranty: 1 Years

SKU: N/A Category:


The BestPack™ MBD Series is an operator-fed, adjustable carton sealer designed to efficiently fulfill light to heavy duty uniform top and bottom sealing carton closure application needs. The two bottom belts are powered by an 110V UL-approved electric motor. The MBD Series is also designed with four adjustable legs for quick and easy height modification to suit the needs of your production lines. Dual telescopic masts allow for an extra 4″ carton height extension on the upper assembly.


Our MBD line incorporates our exclusive 2″ or 3″ pop-out pressure-sensitive “High Speed” tape heads with BestPack’s patented tab adjustment. All BestPack units are available in our standard baked enamel finish and food grade 304 stainless steel for 21 CFR 110 compliance.


  • Power Requirements: 110 Volts 60 Hz

  • Speed: Seals up to 30 Cartons/min.

  • Shipping Weight: 310 lbs

  • Carton Range: (6.0" - U) x (6.5" - 20.0") x (3.0" - 20.25")